One of my friend asked me yesterday what are the different ways of overcoming the same-orgin policy restriction in browsers. I have given the answer and thought that it might be worth sharing it..
- The Web page request data from the Web server it originates from, and to have the Web server behave as a proxy relaying the request to the actual third-party servers. Although widely used, this technique isn't scalable
- Use frame elements to create new areas in the current Web page, and to fetch any third-party content using GET requests. After being fetched, however, the content in the frames would be subject to the same-origin policy limitations
- Insert a dynamic script element in the Web page, one whose source is pointing to the service URL in the other domain and gets the data in the script itself. When the script loads, it executes. It works because the same-origin policy doesn't prevent dynamic script insertions and treats the scripts as if they were loaded from the domain that provided the Web page