The following step by step instructions will help some one to integrate facebook with WCS Aurora store
Reference : Open Store Management Tool from Management Center
- Select the store in which you want to enable face book and open the store via double clicking
- Select Configuration tab
- Check the check box named "Facebook Integration" and save
- The next step is to register the site to face book. If you don't have a facebook developer a/c please register as a developer first
- Then "Create Application" button in the Facebook developer page and provide the details(You can create 'N' number of applications for each environments like testing,uat prod etc)
- It will create the AppID. Add the generated
to the WCS Database via providing the sql insert into storeconf(STOREENT_ID,NAME,VALUE) values (10001,'wc.facebook.application_id', 'fb_app_id_returned'); - In the settings session on the Apps session of the Facebook developer page, select the Settings. Then press the "Add Platform" button and select type of application as website
- The system ask you to enter the url enter http://localhost/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/en/aurora as the url and press Save changes
- Restart the server
- Now when you are going to the storefront you will see the "Connect to Facebook" link the header session
- You can see the statistics in the Dashboard page of Facebook developer